Monday, June 08, 2009

"Where in the World is Ely, MN"

If you would have asked me last year where Ely,Mn was I wouldn't have had a clue! If it weren't for Bonnie and Charles, friends from Benson,AZ, we wouldn't know where it was today. It is a beautiful community, the gateway to the "Boundary Waters Canoe Area,a two million acre designated wilderness with a network of portage trails between pristine lakes", in northern MN surrounded by lakes of all sizes. It looks very much like many parts of Maine. The area often has the lowest recorded cold temperatures in the winter. There are therefore many summer-only residents. Bonnie and Charles have a beautiful home on Shagawa lake. They fed us a feed of Walleye,a fish unknown to us, but very delicious along with many other delictable items. My diet went to the wind while here. While in Ely we had the opportunity to visit the International Wolf Center. The center follow many wolves via radio collar in MN. Since reintroduction the wolf population in MN has grown to 3000 many located in the areas around Ely. I was surprised to find that they were only fed once a week to simulate their feast or famine feeding cycle in the wild. Saturday nights they get a deer or maybe a few beaver that have been given by local trappers. They are truly a beautiful animal.

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