Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Darcy and Wally... close up and personal

We've been "holed up" in Eureka while drenching downpours bring much needed rain to northern California. Since we have been showing you this great state close up and personal, we thought that today we'd give you a closer look at us. You may have noticed our nipped haircuts. Gail Lenney back in Benson showed us the simplicity of using a clipper with the one inch guard. Now we give each other a monthly trim. It makes our daily life simpler and the helmet-hair problem is gone. Less is more!


Anonymous said...

Why not pony tails and a straggley beard. Bushy eyebrows too. You're too clean cut to be world travelers!

Are you too far North to visit Tahoe?

Professor K

Jody said...

Hey Cuz...

Great job, Great pictures, terrible haircut.....See ya in July.


Kay Hardy Campbell said...

On the road again.....
Can't wait to see what you do in Oregon. The Japanese Gardens in Portland are spectacular.
Have fun! - K