Thursday, May 22, 2014

Seeing Savannah for the first time

As RVers, Wally and I spent 15 years poking around in lots of special places. Somehow we missed Savannah. We chose to stage our visit to that venerable city from the Thunderbolt Marina located on the ICW 5 miles SE of Savannah. We would need to join the locals on the bus system in order to stay out of the heavy commercial container ship traffic plying the Savannah River. As the Maptech Cruising Guide suggested, “Savannah has scores of historic attractions, but before you head to a museum or restored home, walk the city streets and soak up the atmosphere in either or both of Savannah’s liveliest neighbors- the waterfront and the City Market section.” One Day 1, we did exactly that. The bus drivers helped us make the transfers that dropped us right in the key downtown area...and we got to see 5 miles of wonderful family neighborhoods shaded by live oaks draped in Spanish moss. Twenty-one pocket parks provide cool spots for leisure lounging amidst gorgeous mansions from days long-gone by. By Day 2, we were ready to visit the Mercer-Williams House Museum which played a major role in Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil book and movie. Darcy read the book while we were in Atlanta with Erin and her family. The tour of the house portrayed an antiseptic view of the actual happenings, yet still provided a captivating story of the life of a mover and shaker in the restoration of Savannah’s oldest homes throughout the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. We even lunched at Forsyth Park where Darcy’s dad bivouacked in the early 1940’s as his outfit moved from one Army Camp to another. We could just imagine the tent city that sprang up on the spacious lawns that were surrounded by fountains, statues and walkways, and now the addition of playgrounds and and a lovely cafe/plaza. One thing we are sure of, we have just barely scratched the surface... we shall return!

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