Saturday, March 01, 2014

Our first anniversary is at hand

One month has passed since we pushed off the dock into the foggy morning aboard “Summertime”. It’s been quite a ride! We have enjoyed chronicling the remarkable places we found along the waterway. What we didn’t say, however, is “Life goes on”. Daily routines and chores fill up much of our days and nights on the water: keeping a supply of food, making meals, doing laundry, emptying filled “black water” tanks, filling empty fresh water tanks, taking on fuel, changing oil, running the generator to recharge the batteries, checking the anchor or the mooring ball lines or the fenders on the dock, refreshening the boat’s interior, scrubbing the salt and grime of travel off the boat’s exterior, charting our route on the next leg of the journey and carrying out that cruise. Keeping “Summertime” ship-shape and safe is a full-time job! Learning to run our errands with no vehicle has been a big adjustment. Getting ourselves to the market, the hardware store, the laundromat, the post office, etc. adds another dimension to the process of everyday living. Walking with a purpose has become a big part of our time on shore. Adjusting our purchases so they fit in the fabric bags we are able to carry is another part of the planning. We are very grateful for friends living in the locality who have driven us to Wal-Mart and then to their home for a meal. What a treat!

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