Saturday, February 15, 2014


Now that we have bought a boat, the logistics of getting from being a full-time RV’ers to boat people seemed overwhelming .With 2 RV’s, a Suzuki Samurai, and a lot with a “casita” building in an RV park in AZ to dispose of, how was that going to happen? We left for AZ just before the new year and arrived on January 4th in Benson. Thank God for Craigslist! We put the converted bus and the Samurai
up for sale at reasonable prices and within the first week both were sold. The other RV was also sold for a reasonable price to friends in the park. The rolling stock had moved on in less than two weeks. Now for the RV site..... the inspection went through with flying colors and within three weeks it was gone as well! Friends helped us out by carrying away the personal effects and furnishings that we couldn’t move to our Maine cabin or new boat. The remaining goods were stuffed into every conceivable space in the PT Cruiser or packed in shipping boxes and sent to Wally’s brother and wife in Maine or Darcy’s dad in Florida, awaiting our arrival in each of those locations.

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